VMI Palampur

Emergency No: 01894-236010/12

Helpline No: 098177-86177

General and Laparoscopic Surgery



Dr. Jasneet GS Chaggar

DNB, Consultant

Dr. Prateek Sood

MS, Consultant

The General and Laparoscopic Surgery departments in our hospitals is equipped with advanced facilities to provide comprehensive surgical care.

  1. Minimal Access Surgery: Also known as laparoscopic surgery, this involves small incisions, resulting in minimal scarring, reduced pain, and faster recovery. We use high-definition laparoscopic systems for enhanced precision
  2. Intensive Surgical unit
  3. State of the art Operation theatre with and highly efficient and trained staff
  4. Our experienced team of skilled surgeons perform a wide variety of surgeries, addressing numerous conditions including:
  5. Appendectomy: Removal of the appendix, often due to appendicitis.
  6. Cholecystectomy: Removal of the gallbladder, usually to treat gallstones.
  7. Hernia Repair: Fixing hernias, which occur when an organ or tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles.
  8. Small intestine, large intestine and Rectal Surgery
  9. Management of Pancreatitis
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